Your order failed or was declined due to a credit card issue. This usually happens when an incorrect credit card number or billing address is used. Below are steps you can take to complete your order.
1. Please make sure your credit card number, expiration date, and security code matches the numbers on your card.
2. Make sure the billing address used matches the address on file with your bank, including any apartment number.
3. When you attempt checkout again, we recommended to use a different browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, private browser, etc) so the system does not remain stuck on your first order attempt.
4. We also recommended to try a different device (mobile or computer) so the system does not remain stuck on your first order attempt.
5. Feel free to select PayPal (instead of Credit Card) on the checkout page and let PayPal complete your order. You do NOT need a PayPal account to checkout and you can still use your preferred form of payment. Most issues will be resolved with PayPal checkout.
6. If you are using a Visa or Mastercard gift card, make sure you first call the phone number on the back to register your card to your billing address.
7. If you do not have an order confirmation email with an order number from us, then we do not have your order. Any “pending” activity that may appear on your bank statement is not a successful payment and will disappear shortly.
8. Your security is one of our most important goals. If you would like to try to checkout again, please first attempt these troubleshooting ideas. If you are having additional difficulties at checkout, feel free to email us. When all else fails, please consult directly with your bank.